Trusting Yes
Personal Philosophy
Deepening our self-awareness and pursuing a path of spiritual growth requires some at times confronting work, but when you bring your whole heart to it, it’s a wild adventure that connects you with greater freedom, aliveness and passion.
I’m continually growing my skills. I know I can help you make the most significant difference in your life when I’m bringing my best self to the game.
The spiritual philosophies I’m most deeply aligned with are Buddhism and Shamanism.
I believe in the importance of yoga and meditation to stay strong, flexible, centered and balanced.
Lots of time spent outdoors connected to the earth is the best way I know of to nurture my soul.
I’m committed to living authentically and calling myself on my shit, it’s a no-fail way to line up with magic.
I have my own coach – it’s one of the most valuable investments I make in myself.
I love helping others tap into who they are when they’re most radiant and alive – and then supporting them as they move confidently forward from that place.
We’re not here to struggle, we’re here to shine.
coaching Perspective
I believe my clients are highly competent, capable beings.
I serve as a source of objectivity, insight, inspiration and accountability.
I’m here to help you get clear. And then get magic.
Our partnership is primarily aimed at getting you attuned with your innate wisdom, creativity and resourcefulness. From there, you become unstoppable.
My focus is to look curiously with you if it seems you are caught up in old patterns; consistently offer straight up, supportive feedback; and ensure you are always connected with your most powerful vision for your life so that you stay aligned with a truly compelling path forward.
Life Experience
I grew up in a violent home, and for 20 years I drank alcohol—lots of it—as a way to shut down the pain and fear that followed me into my adult world. It felt safer to hide than be seen (and exposed to judgment, failure or rejection).
After years of playing small, I came to see that I could survive in the shadows—but I wasn’t free. Choosing “safety” kept reinforcing the belief that there was something to fear.
In my desire to stay under the radar, I was blocking my power, creativity and light.
The trap of self-imposed limitations kept circling back on itself. Eventually I saw that I’d built myself a prison, locked myself in, and handed my ego the key—and it was invested in keeping me there. That sobering insight was a wake-up call, and it launched an inner exploration that revealed the challenging and empowering truth: circumstances don’t create our world—we do.
Life is for us, and unwaveringly supports us every time we show up for it.
I’ve learned volumes about taking power back from fear and being a fierce stand for my light—and I bring that to helping you clearly see where you’re giving your own power away, and the options you have for claiming it back.
Let’s go on a mission to reconnect you with your sense of joy, aliveness and possibility.
Because the shadows? So not where the magic happens…
Career Experience
Working with bodies:
In my late twenties I pursued a career as a massage therapist and spent 10 years working in this field.
Connecting with people in physical pain put me in touch with the importance of paying attention to our bodies (and selves) when we’re overworked or neglected, slowing down to notice when we’re out of balance, and creating the space required for our effective healing.
Working with hearts and souls:
For 13 summers, I worked as a heli-hiking guide.
The job description was leading people through challenging mountain terrain. The joy was inspiring and supporting them as they moved through their perceived physical and psychological limits, and then celebrating together as they overcame fear and stood on top of high mountain peaks that only hours before had seemed insurmountable.
Working with passion – the art of building a successful career:
For over 20 years, I've had the opportunity to pursue one of my truest loves. Painting has always been woven through whatever else I’m doing, and has evolved into a tremendously fulfilling career as a fine artist.
Building a successful art career was one of the greatest and most rewarding learning experiences of my life. It opened the space to fine-tune my skill as an artist, and continually challenged me to hone the entrepreneurial skills required to grow and sustain a worthy business venture.
Most important is who I have become through tapping into the inner courage needed to keep putting myself out there in pursuit of my dream.
It’s given me a vital life designed by me, the sense of soul connection that comes with living on purpose, and the freedom and full permission to keep following my heart where it leads.
A link to my painting life - Liz Wiltzen Fine Art
Listen to a 5 minute interview from a few years back discussing my coaching approach and some key benefits. Still holds true today.
Ideas, Insights and Inspiration
*Note: Scroll within the box above to see the full list of episodes.
This is the beast of perfectionism: you chase yourself in circles, certain that 3 more hours spent tweaking that thing that is not yet the very best it can be is how you will be able to relax and trust you’re okay in the world.