The Magic of Saying Yes to Beauty’s Call


Island Tree Project 2024 - East corner detail

I’m building a pebble mosaic around a communal gathering area in my neighbourhood and it’s a bit of a daunting undertaking. I’ve never done anything like it before, but I’m following the call of beauty and trusting it’ll all work out.

A couple of summers ago, our condo board made a decision to cut down a tree that lived in the centre island of our cul-de-sac.

She was an ancient pine tree who had lived in this spot for decades, but some members of the community were concerned that high winds might topple her onto a car or a house causing damage and expense, so it was decided she had to go.

Island Tree supporting a 350 lb. mama grizzly, stressed and trying to get an eye on her errant cub (who was busily munching berries and paying zero attention to his mother).

In the last three weeks of her life, I began a conversation with Island Tree. Back then talking to trees was not an everyday occurrence for me, so our first exchange was under the cover of night after most of the neighbourhood was fast asleep.

Leaning my heart into her massive trunk and looking up at a million twinkling stars through the vast expanse of her branches, I was struck by the magnitude of her steady, clear presence. I had never appreciated what a powerful being she was and felt a wave of deep grief for the imminent loss of this elder.

Through our exchanges in her final days, I sensed her peace with what was coming and understood I was not meant to fight for her life. Instead she guided me to make visible what was not being considered in this decision.

She offered a challenge: to honour her life by advocating for the sacredness and mattering of beauty.


What I’ve come to understand about beauty over the years has deepened and clarified in the journey to honour this request, but I’ve also learned new things. Particularly surprising was that it’s not a given that people’s hearts are open to beauty. Sometimes you actually have to fight for it.

I was shocked at the level and frequency of push back I got in the early days of this project, and more than once declared, “Fuck this. I’m out.”

But I’d made a commitment to Island Tree, and in the end that promise won out. I’m so grateful I stayed the course. Turns out she had some things to teach me.

There were several creative ideas along the way but I eventually landed on this particular medium and design. The mosaic is 8x8 feet surrounding a fire pit that holds court in the place where Island Tree grew. I’m building one corner at a time, followed by the inside circle, and making the design up as I go.

Beauty brings meaning to our lives and lets us know that we are not alone because it reminds us that we are deeply connected to an unstoppable creative force.

It’s a living entity that’s invested in a loving relationship with us, and when we enter into a reciprocal exchange with it, it changes us.

For all that beauty gives, it invites us to bring something of ourselves in return, because this kind of magic is a two-way street. I like to think of this list as an inside track to wonder:

  1. Say yes to its call.

  2. Trust it exists in the most unlikely places.

  3. Give up comfort in search of it.

  4. Navigate mess and chaos to find it.

  5. Open to perceive it when it seems elusive.

  6. Follow its lead.

  7. Let it surprise you.

  8. Bring effort to making it visible to others.

  9. When you encounter it, let it fully land in your being.

  10. Stay present with it until you feel it touch your soul.

That’s beauty loving you back.

Completed East corner



Where’s a place that beauty’s calling you?

Take a stroll through your house. Is there an area you encounter each day that isn’t as beautiful as it wants to be?

One way to say yes to beauty’s call is through decluttering.

When you let go of items that no longer serve you and curate a space filled with only what you love, you invite light and airiness into your living space and uncover your home’s natural charm.


Join me for a series of FREE zoom mentoring calls this fall designed to tackle an area of clutter in your world and create some beauty in its place. And bring a friend, because it’s fun to share the magic that happens when you tune in to beauty’s call.

Running throughout October & November 2024
REGISTER here for the next session

Want to collaborate to create some magic in your life?


*Note: Scroll within the box above to see the full list of episodes.




“Befriend Courage to Amplify Your Vitality”