“Grasshopper Divination”

“Grasshopper Divination” - created October 20th, 2022
THE MANDALA PROJECT: Read the story of how it came to life
If you know someone whose day would be brightened by this Mandala, please pass it along! Even more magical, with a love note from you!
This past October, in the midst of grieving the passing of Lily, my treasured friend and spiritual ally, I was on an 11 day retreat in the Sonoran desert that was designed to facilitate conversations with the natural world from the perception that it is animate—conscious and interactive and always pointing to wider, broader patterns of connection and interconnection.
With this kind of engagement, even the most unlikely beings have something to share.
I was drawn to the grasshoppers that kept crossing my path; notably a living one, a dead one, and one that was on the threshold of transition from this world to the next.
My first encounter was with this graceful beauty who spent a full day hanging at my tent. Every time I came back she was there. Nowhere else she needed to be.
Eventually I accepted her invitation to pull up a chair. Dropping in to be with her was a meditation, or perhaps more precisely an entrancing transmission about moving mindfully through life. Thank you Grasshopper.
Lingering in the Threshold
This intrepid fellow was lying in the middle of a sandy canyon trail. I thought he was dead, but when I used a small twig to lift his body off to the side of the trail, he wrapped his two front legs around the end of it and hung on. I set him among some grasses and visited him twice over the next two days, each time expecting him to have died, but instead I would see the tiniest flex of a leg or flicker of an antenna revealing the life still in him.
I found it unsettling that he took so long to die. Then I remembered something I learned from Sarah Kerr, the amazing death doula I worked with when Lily was dying.
“There’s a difference between suffering and dying. Sometimes we mistake the second for the first when those we love are entering into their dying process.”
Up until then, I had held the two as one and the same. Opening to perceive the distinction helped me stay curious and present when supporting Lily and I was reminded again now, in witnessing this being’s journey, to surrender to what was not mine to manage.

Life Death Life
Divination is a practice of connecting with the guidance of the divine. With intention and a little work building skillfulness, you can learn to call on divination to enter into a dialogue with mystery.
In my experience animals (insects included) are powerful allies in divination. They conspire as messengers of the Universe encouraging us to trust that the sacred is always available as a source of support, and guiding us to look for wisdom in unexpected places.
“Grasshopper Divination” was inspired by a desire to honour the life of an exquisite multi-coloured grasshopper that was already dead when I crossed its path. As the mandala came together it reflected something that has become true for me about relating with death.
When you hold that which is ‘dead’ with the full presence of your aliveness it lives on, collaborating and co-creating with the Cosmos in new and surprising ways.
Magic Never Stops Calling
For one night during the retreat I slept up in the canyon under the stars, 20 feet up the wash from the Mandala. The next morning, very close to it, I discovered the exoskeleton of a grasshopper that had been dead much longer which inspired another variation of the Mandala.

And on and on it goes…
Grateful for the adventure of days strung together outdoors off the grid, and to Aravaipa Canyon for its particular flavour of mystery.

"Descent Into Grief" - The Mandala Project: #97
What if, instead of seeking to transcend pain, we choose to dive deeper, to explore the bigger truths that live beneath the surface of it?
"Becoming" - The Mandala Project: #40
Instead of the personality self you know so well, what’s possible when you imagine you’re in a process of becoming something new all the time?
The Mandala Project: #39
When you’re not on the lookout for joy, life can feel like one hard little thing after another—but when you orient to wonder, you can always find evidence of good cheer working its charm in the world.
The Mandala Project: #38
What serious magic is possible when you summon your unique super power and direct it into the world?
The Mandala Project: #37
Offering our unique ‘something’ to the world in the way that only we can might very well be our best and most essential contribution to the tending of the Universe.
The Mandala Project: #35
In the burning down of old ideas and identities, this Mandala reminds us that we are held and guided by beings who swim alongside us in times of transition, showing us how to move with ease through the currents of liminal space.
The Mandala Project: #34
Despite our best efforts to domesticate our lives and ourselves, our true nature is not meant to be confined or tamed.
The Mandala Project: #33
Yes to meeting fear head on. Yes to allies, to courage, to trust. And yes to the Power of Love.
The Mandala Project: #32
Each element that came together for this Mandala brought its own unique contribution, all offering a bow of recognition and respect for the shimmering mystery that is Raven.
The Mandala Project: #31
This Mandala revealed that we’re co-creating with a force that’s deeply engaged and powerfully collaborative. The invitation is to keep pulling on the thread and following where it's leading.
The Mandala Project: #30
As we create with the things that come into our lives, what if the magic that’s possible depends on whether our relationship is transactional or sacred?
The Mandala Project: #29
Life continually invites you to return to centre, and to be fluid and playful as it keeps shifting and evolving under your feet.
The Mandala Project: #28
The creative act of ‘shaping attention’ connects the story teller and the audience, it opens the door of imagination, inviting you to consider a possibility, and bring a little of your own magic to it.
The Mandala Project: #27
There’s a particular kind of joy that comes from having your heart captured by steadfast allies, enthusiastically inviting you join them for adventure.
The Mandala Project: #26
What if the world is filled with treasure, strategically planted to spark curiosity and delight?
The Mandala Project: #25
What if what captures your attention is an exuberant clue, a stepping stone, leading you in a new direction or inviting in another possibility?
The Mandala Project: #24
Consider your given name, bestowed upon you by others. You are a beautiful volume of stories, each one unique in the evolving spiral of your life. What name would you give yourself? What name captures your bluish hues, your sharp edges, your pure heart?
The Mandala Project: #23
*Unexpected side effect: The more engaged I’m becoming with the stories the natural world is telling, the less interested I am in the ones I’m manufacturing between my ears.
“Oasis” - The Mandala Project: #22
There’s a sense of order-held-by-wildness that resonates in this one, and intrigue at the edges where these energies meet.
“True Blue” - The Mandala Project: #21
This is the first time someone spotted one in the wild and connected the dots. Mission gaining momentum…
“Playful Spirits” - The Mandala Project: #20
Heart-shaped rocks and wood creatures make regular appearances on visits to the forest, and both showed up for today’s tale of mischief.
“Nestled” - The Mandala Project: #19
One of the most surprising and consistent teachings of these mandalas is how, when gathered with intention, brought together with care and presented with the opportunity, seemingly separate “things” come into effortless relationship with each other.
“Heart Rave” - The Mandala Project: #18
This mandala was born from a heart-filled wander through a magical river bed.
“Treasure Hunting” - The Mandala Project: #17
Once the raw materials are there, it’s a process of moving things around until magic reveals itself, but it’s intuition—not mind—that knows when the magic has emerged.
“Simple Magic” - The Mandala Project: #16
Every now and then, what’s already there is enough—no creative gymnastics required.
Been diving into some great talks lately on the physics of the creative field—I’m intrigued by the nature of potential becoming actuated, then dissolving back into potential and becoming actuated again; as a unique and new expression. This branch of science and philosophy lines right up with what happened in this chapter of the Mandala Project.
A late day stroll to the top of the street, some random bits of wood and showing up to tinker in the imaginal field—and next thing ya know…Abracadabra-Shazam: “The Rabbit Leapt Over the Wolf-Owl”.
In the end, it was obvious this one wanted to be circular. As often happens, it took several non-circular variations to arrive at the obvious.
"Earth Elder" - The Mandala Project: #41
Grief is becoming intimate with the immovable truth that we’re not meant to hold on to or possess that which we love.